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Sylvie Pixel

Sylvie Pixel.jpg


“Art is to take away one's stress and when the time comes, to pour out one's inner thoughts on the paper or screen in front of one.” -Sylvie Pixel

Education: University

Age: 24

Country: Turkey

Art styles: Pixel Artist

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  1. Hello! First of all, could you start by introducing yourself? Can you give us a brief information about your name, the type of your art and your various interests in the art world?

    Hello, my name is Sylvie, I don't use my real name because I hang out here anonymously. I am interested in pixel art, I don't have any drawing skills other than pixel art. I am especially interested in drawings with fantasy worlds.

  2. When did you start making art? What was the first time you met art or what attracted you to it?

    2 years ago I started with pixel art, frankly I was extremely interested at the time and I wanted to try it, as a result I am here.

  3. What does art mean to you? How do you see the impact of art on people?

    Art is to take away one's stress and when the time comes, to pour out one's inner thoughts on the paper or screen in front of one.I feel like I am relaxing as I draw myself.

  4. How long have you been active in NFT and how did you get started? Can you tell us a bit about creating and marketing your first NFT piece?

    I have been doing NFT for about 2 years, I wanted to try it myself while helping my friend with her sales and that's how I started by discovering my talent. It took me about 2 weeks to create my first NFT piece, at that time tezos was much more popular and my first piece was sold out in as little as 10 minutes.

  5. What inspires you to experiment with various art styles? How do you decide to explore and develop different styles?

    Frankly, I don't try different styles very much, in fact, I have never tried, I have focused myself only on pixel art and its styles, I have produced pixel art drawings in different styles so far, I am trying and learning to improve myself completely.

  6. What does it mean for you to use art as a social or political platform? How do you approach social or political issues through your art?

    I have a collection called Space Garbages, which is actually a collection to draw attention to environmental pollution, I try to give such small messages in my own way.

  7. How do you find motivation and inspiration in your creative work?

    My only motivation is my family, they really like and follow my drawings, their comments and proudly talking about my works make me very happy and motivated.

  8. Are there any artists or artworks that have influenced or inspired you the most in your career? Can you describe these influences and sources of inspiration?

    I am not affected by anyone, I am completely happy by drawing what is in my head and looking at my own work hahah a little egotistical answer but it is.

  9. Do you have any notable achievements or sales in your career?

    I had good sales from time to time, but in general, I stayed alive in the bear market, which I think was much more valuable than a single high-priced sale.

  10. What were the challenges you faced as a NFT artist and how did you overcome them?

    I faced a lot of difficulties, and this was all about me saying wrong is wrong and standing up against it. There were many people who wanted to pull me down, but they failed.

  11. What are your long-term goals as an artist? What do you want to achieve in your career?

    I want to move on to producing something tangible and I'm making plans for it. I plan to announce it soon.

  12. Can you give us some hints about upcoming projects or exhibitions? Can you share what the audience should expect in the future?

    I never have anything in my head that I would do as NFT, I usually think of it before going to bed at night and draw it in the morning.

  13. How do you think the value and appreciation of NFT art will develop in the future? How do you assess the changes and trends in this field?

    I think NFT will not live very long, at least the current picture shows this, but if it lives, it will be 1000 times more valuable than it is now.

  14. As a parting note, is there anything else you would like to share?

    Consistency is the key. No one will help you unless they see your effort.

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