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Love Remains - Frozen, Yet Ever Present
South Korea / Seoul

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I am here to share this special moment and express my feelings. My work "SnowLull" has been selected to be exhibited at the PIUDA Art Gallery in Seoul, the enormous capital of South Korea. This is a great honor and pride for me.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who made it possible for me to take part in this wonderful exhibition. I would like to thank PIUDA Art Gallery in particular, my dear artist friend Checksy who has been instrumental in discovering the artists, my dear art lovers and of course the wonderful audience in Seoul.

SnowLull is not only a work of art, but also the product of an emotional journey. I am deeply happy that its exhibition gives me the opportunity to share these emotions with you. In addition to my work, it is a great privilege for me to be with other esteemed artists at this wonderful event and to experience the richness and diversity of the art world.

This exhibition proved once again the power of art and its unifying effect. Art is a tremendous force that can unite people regardless of language, culture and geography. Having SnowLull on display in Seoul is a great step towards celebrating this unity and promoting cross-cultural communication.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you art lovers and everyone who visits SnowLull. This support and attention is invaluable to me on my artistic journey. I hope that everyone who watches my work feels as peaceful as I do and that my feelings are shared to some extent.

Stay with love and art...

For more, visit PIUDA's website



I was lying defenceless under the snow. In the midst of the dull beauty of white, I felt the icy breath of time caressing my skin, thinking about the echoes of the past. My bruised body reflected the struggle and war within me. Like a story woven with threads of sadness, my black hair was spread over the snow, hiding the burden of the past years. Tears streamed from my eyes, mourning the helpless state of the frozen world. As each snowflake fell, the song in nature remained timeless and powerful. I lay and listened to this melody in the white. As the cold winds carried away the story of the past, I clung to my frozen, but ever-present strength.

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