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“Art is a means of expressing emotions and turning dreams into something tangible. It can have a profound effect on people by bringing imagination into reality.” -Carel Beril

Education: University

Age: 29

Country: Turkey

Art styles: 3D Artist

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  1. Hello! First of all, could you start by introducing yourself? Can you give us a brief information about your name, the type of your art and your various interests in the art world?

    My name is Carel Beril. My art focuses on CGI Art, especially the creation of surreal-fantasy worlds and characters.

  2. When did you start making art? What was the first time you met art or what attracted you to it?

    I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, and I also received education in music school during my high school years. Additionally, I pursued interior architecture education in university.

  3. What does art mean to you? How do you see the impact of art on people?

    Art is a means of expressing emotions and turning dreams into something tangible. It can have a profound effect on people by bringing imagination into reality.

  4. How long have you been active in NFT and how did you get started? Can you tell us a bit about creating and marketing your first NFT piece?

    I started in October 2021, introduced to NFTs by a friend. When I listed my first artwork, I didn't exactly know what I was doing. However, it sold within four days, bringing immense happiness.

  5. What inspires you to experiment with various art styles? How do you decide to explore and develop different styles?

    During my free time, I immerse myself in visually stimulating things like music videos, magazines, series, and films. This excitement motivates me to try new styles and learn new techniques.

  6. What does it mean for you to use art as a social or political platform? How do you approach social or political issues through your art?

    While acknowledging the importance of art as a societal and political platform, my art primarily focuses on my own imaginative world. I tend to avoid direct involvement in societal or political matters.

  7. Can you explain how you progress from the concept of a piece to a finished artwork?

    When creating a piece, I typically don't plan the design process; it flows naturally. Thus, my mood and inspiration at the moment play a significant role in shaping the artwork.

  8. How do you find motivation and inspiration in your creative work?

    Motivation is not a constant; it fluctuates, sometimes resulting in continuous productivity and other times in a break from creating.

  9. Are there any artists or artworks that have influenced or inspired you the most in your career? Can you describe these influences and sources of inspiration?

    Miley Cyrus holds a special place in my heart as a true inspiration. Her fearless attitude towards art and media has been a beacon for me. Witnessing her navigate the challenges of the creative world with authenticity and strength has been a source of genuine motivation. Her message about standing on one's own feet has not only impacted my art but has become a personal mantra, shaping both my creative endeavors and my approach to life.

  10. Do you have any notable achievements or sales in your career?

    My artworks have been exhibited three times in New York, once in Italy, once in Bali, and once in Istanbul.

  11. What were the challenges you faced as a NFT artist and how did you overcome them?

    The market can be pretty unpredictable, and there's this constant worry about some shady dealings, like turning a blind eye to knowingly sold stolen artwork, which creates real challenges for us NFT artists. Trying to find your way through all this requires not just art skills but also a tough mindset. It's like trying to stay motivated in the middle of a storm — an art form on its own, where you need to balance passion with adaptability in the ever-changing world of digital art.

  12. What are your long-term goals as an artist? What do you want to achieve in your career?

    I aspire to own an art gallery and curate exhibitions, highlighting lesser-known talented artists. Additionally, I aim to be the best in my own style.

  13. Can you give us some hints about upcoming projects or exhibitions? Can you share what the audience should expect in the future?

    I'm working on a collection with a chains theme, and we're preparing for significant exhibitions with VirtuReal projects.

  14. How do you think the value and appreciation of NFT art will develop in the future? How do you assess the changes and trends in this field?

    Establishing trust is crucial for the value and appreciation of NFT art. I believe encouraging projects by various crypto communities is essential for the future growth of the NFT space.

  15. As a parting note, is there anything else you would like to share?

    NFT holds a significant place in my digital world, and I aim to extend this energy into my physical world. Motivated by the desire to leave a mark both digitally and in reality, I work passionately to share my creativity and passion. Excitedly, I am moving forward to collectively build a future filled with art and technology.

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